Research Article

Allelopathic Effects of Lantana camara L. Leaf Aqueous Extracts on Germination and Seedling Growth of Capsicum annuum L. and Daucus carota L.

Table 2

Allelopathic effect of L. camara leaf extract on seedling growth of D. carota and C. annuum.

Allelopathic extract (mg/L)RLP (%)RLR (%)PIR (%)RIR (%)AI (ǀAIǀ)

D. carota1085.79a87.81a14.21c12.19c−36.67a (36.67c)
1560.19b61.71b39.81b38.29b−40.00b (40.00b)
2040.37c51.05c59.63a48.95a−60.00c (60.00a)

C. annuum1091.02a76.50a8.98c23.50c−31.48a (31.48c)
1586.71ab61.46b13.30b38.54b−47.69b (47.69b)
2072.53b29.51c27.47a70.49a−63.43c (63.43a)

RLP, relative length of plumule; RLR, relative length of radicle; PIR, plumule inhibition rate; RIR, radicle inhibition rate; AI, allelopathic index; ǀAIǀ: negative allelopathic index or allelopathic intensity.