Research Article

Ischemic Strokes: Observations from a Hospital Based Stroke Registry in Bangladesh

Table 1

Known risk factors ().

Risk factors (%)

Diabetes506 (74.5)
Hypertension504 (74.2)
Dyslipidemia48 (7.1)
IHD81 (11.9)
Current smoker 110 (17.5)
Past smoker 82 (13.0)
Chewing tobacco191 (28.1)
Family history of stroke 193 (30.0)
Family history of IHD 134 (20.8)
Atrial fibrillation8 (1.2)
HDL ≤ 40 (614)433 (70.5)
LDL > 100 (608)420 (69.1)
Total cholesterol > 200 (615)264 (42.9)
Dyslipidemia (chol > 200 or LDL > 100 or HDL < 40) (614)571 (93)
In-hospital complications
 DVT2 (0.3)
 Pneumonia60 (8.8)
 UTI54 (8.0)
 Pulmonary edema1 (0.1)
 Phlebitis/cellulitis6 (0.9)
 Sepsis6 (0.9)
 Hematuria2 (0.3)
 Seizers26 (3.8)

Deep venous thrombosis: DVT, ischemic heart disease: IHD, high density lipoprotein: HDL, low density lipoprotein: LDL, and urinary tract infection: UTI.