Research Article

Survivin Selectively Modulates Genes Deregulated in Human Leukemia Stem Cells

Figure 3

Classification of genes regulated by Survivin and LSC. (a) The 137 genes were classified based on the regulation by human LSC and Survivin in ITD-Flt3+KSL cells. Arrow bars in the quadrant indicate the direction of gene regulation by Survivin or LSC. The top-right corner shows 55 genes upregulated by both LSC and Survivin (downregulated by Survivin gene deletion), whereas bottom-left corner represents 21 genes downregulated by both LSC and Survivin (upregulated by Survivin gene deletion). The top left corner shows 24 genes downregulated by LSC but upregulated by Survivin. The bottom-right corner indicates 37 genes upregulated by LSC but downregulated by Survivin. (b) Functional group association networks for Survivin regulated genes in the list of deregulated genes in human LSC visualized using Cytoscape program. The 137 genes listed in Tables 1(a)–1(d) were functionally annotated using DAVID software ( ). The size of each circle represents the number of genes involved in each functional categories and the thickness of the line indicates the number of genes shared with any function. Functional classification was performed based on Gene Ontology Term database (biological process, molecular function and cellular component) and Swissprot Keywords. (c) The 76 genes upregulated or downregulated by Survivin and LSC (55 + 21 genes shown in Figure 3(a)) were functionally classified by DAVID software and visualized by Cytoscapse program as shown in Figure 3(b). The size of each circle represents the number of genes involved in each functional categories and the thickness of the line indicates the number of genes shared with any function. Functional classification was performed based on Swissprot Keywords. Genes annotated in each functional category are shown in the box.