Research Article

Methodologic Approaches to Histologically Distinguishing Vaccine versus Nonvaccine-Associated Sarcomas Using Validated Time and Location Vaccination Histories in Cats

Table 1

Comparison of present study with previously published studies [9, 10] on histological characteristics common to all studies distinguishing presumptive vaccine and nonvaccine-associated sarcomas. The number of cases varies by control group category. Statistical differences were denoted by − ( 𝑃 > 0 . 2 0 ), + ( 𝑃 < 0 . 2 0 ) , ++ ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 ), and +++ ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 1 ). For previously published studies, (V) indicates characteristic was more common in vaccine-associated sarcomas; (NV) indicates characteristic was more common in nonvaccine-associated sarcomas; (U) indicates could not be determined from publication.

Present studyDoddy et al. [10]*Aberdein et al. [9]**
Category 1#Category 2##Category 3###Cases 𝑛 = 1 2 3 Controls 𝑛 = 6 6 Cases 𝑛 = 1 0 Controls 𝑛 = 2 4

Univariate analyses

Differentiation (less)+++ (V)
Inflammation++++++ (V)+++ (V)
Pleomorphism+++++++++ (V)++ (V)
Mitotic activity+++++ (V)+++ (V)
Necrosis+++ (V)
Location in skin (subcutis versus dermis)++++++ (V)++ (V)
Granulation tissue++++ (V)
Multinucleated giant cells++ (U)++ (V)
Local invasion++ (V)
Other stromal components++
Variability of extracellular matrix+++ (V)
Demarcated borders+
Peritumoral inflammatory aggregates+++
Tumor size

Multivariate analyses

Age (increasing)+++ (NV)
Mitotic activity++
Variability of extracellular matrix+ (V)
Inflammation (present versus absent)++++ (V)
Location in skin (subcutis versus dermis)++++++ (V)
Demarcated borders+
Other stromal components+++
Multinucleated giant cells+

#Category 1 = control tumors that received verified vaccination at tumor sites.
##Category 2 = control tumors arising at typically used vaccine sites that did not have a history of receiving vaccination at the tumor site.
###Category 3 = control tumors that arose at sites not typically used for vaccination, with or without a history of vaccination.
*Cases defined as sarcomas occurring at vaccination sites such as the interscapular and scapular regions, flank and paralumbar regions, dorsolateral thorax, dorsal back and neck, and femoral regions; controls defined as sarcomas occurring at nonvaccination sites such as any other location such as head, distal parts of the limbs, bone, or tail.
**Cases defined as sarcomas occurring at vaccination sites that were presumed to include the interscapular, shoulder, or dorsal or lateral cervical and thoracic regions and sites such as the femoral and dorsolumbar regions were considered as possible but uncertain vaccination sites; controls defined as sarcomas that developed elsewhere on the body or if the veterinarian considered the tumor site an unlikely vaccination site.