Research Article

ReMoFP: A Tool for Counting Function Points from UML Requirement Models

Table 1

Stereotype attributes for record Data Function counting information.

AttributeDescription of purpose

fpFunctionTypeData Function type: ILFs, ELF or None.
fpComplexityData Function Complexity: High, Average, or Low. Calculated based on other information supplied by the analyst.
fpNumRETRecord Element Types (RET) counting.
fpNumDETData Element Type (DET) counting.
fpTotalFP Total counting.
fpDETList of DET considered in counting process. Contains a list of analysis class attributes (UML Properties). It does not appear in Figure 3 because of limitations of the used tool.
fpDETObservationsObservations written by the analyst, concerning the DET counting.
fpDETOtherCould be used to manually record DET that are considered in counting but are not analysis class attributes, such as associations between them.
fpDETDescriptionDescriptive documentation of items informed in fpDETOther field.
fpRETList of RETs considered in counting. Contains a list of analysis classes. It does not appear in Figure 3 because of limitations of the used tool.
fpRETObservationsObservations about RET counting.