Research Article

Quercetin Treatment Ameliorates Systemic Oxidative Stress in Cirrhotic Rats

Table 1

Effects of biliary obstruction determined by hepatic integrity tests.

ParametersExperimental groups

AST (U/L)95.67 ± 10.3466.44 ± 2.26510.6 ± 46.78a146.9 ± 23.44
ALT (U/L)65.78 ± 9.0238.44 ± 2.51127.5 ± 13.03a52.8 ± 9.36
FA (U/L)156.00 ± 16.62143.33 ± 9.23386.8 ± 27.71a218.9 ± 42.73

CO: control; CBDL: common bile duct ligation; CO + Q and CBDL + Q: animals received a daily 50 mg/kg body i.p. injection of quercetin.
aSignificant difference between the CBDL group and groups CO, CO + Q, and CBDL + Q; P < 0.05.