Research Article

Development and Validation of Stability-Indicating HPTLC Determination of Tamsulosin in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

Table 5

Forced degradation of tamsulosin hydrochloride.

Serial numberSample exposure conditionNumber of degradation products ( 𝑅 𝑓 value)Tamsulosin hydrochloride remained (ng/1200 ng) (±S.D, 𝑛 = 3 )S.E.Recovery (%)

12 N HCl “8 h” at room temp. reflux for “1 h”1 (0.29)1055.8 (7.90)1.81087.99
22 N NaOH “8 h” room temp. reflux for “1 h”1 (0.26)983.76 (5.01)2.09281.98
330% H2O2 “16 h”1 (0.34)1020.66 (14.00)2.03485.06
4Heat for “2 h” at 60°C1 (0.31)1028.72 (10.10)2.24485.73
5Photo degradation kept for “24 h”1 (0.28)1069.81 (16.81)0.90089.15