Clinical Study

Anencephaly: Do the Pregnancy and Maternal Characteristics Impact the Pregnancy Outcome?

Table 4

Spontaneous outcome of anencephalic fetuses in cited studies.

Study 𝑁 Stillbirth ( 𝑛 /%)Live birth ( 𝑛 /%)

Aguiar et al., 2003 [9]2412 (50%)12 (50%)
Jaquier et al., 2006 [10]211*58 (27%)153 (73%)
Sedano et al., 2008 [11]142 (14%)12 (86%)
Obeidi et al., 2010 [12]26**15 (58%)11 (42%)
Machado et al. (this study)5320 (38%)33 (62%)

𝑁 : number of included fetuses
*data from a website, without subsequent confirmation or review by medical reports
**anencephaly as an isolated abnormality.