Research Article

Fluorometric Determination of Drugs Containing α-Methylene Sulfoxide Functional Groups Using 𝑁 1 - Methylnicotinamide Chloride as a Fluorogenic Agent

Table 2

Regression analysis parameters for the determination of 15 in standard solutions using the proposed method.

DrugLinearity rangeSlope*Intercept*R2

11–50 μg/mL4.0780.0242.750.390.998
250–1200 ng/mL0.66940.000515.2261.3760.9997
3100–1500 ng/mL0.51040.0199.8263.3760.9983
410–1500 ng/mL0.62150.05573.2740.2980.999
520–2200 ng/mL0.4360.0213.311.550.9998

Average of triplicate analyses, 15 calibration data points.
* Three calibrations curves were performed for each drug.