Research Article

Isoflavones-Enriched Soy Protein Prevents C C L 4 -Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats

Figure 2

A photomicrograph in liver section of (a) control rat showing the normal central vein and the hepatocytes, (b) rat fed soy-supplemented diet showing the central vein and the hepatocytes, (c) rat treated with CCl4 showing increase in fibrous tissues and inflammatory cells around the congested blood vessel. Marked hepatocellular fatty degeneration also seen, (d) rat treated with CCl4 showing hepatocytes with large fatty droplets and nuclear pleomorphism, (e) rat treated with CCl4 and fed soy supplemented diet showing marked improvement in most of hepatocytes and prominent decrease in connective tissues, and (f) rat treated with CCl4 and fed soy supplemented diet showing marked improvement in hepatocytes and in the portal vein area.