Review Article

Pathologic Etiologies of Late and Very Late Stent Thrombosis following First-Generation Drug-Eluting Stent Placement

Figure 3

A case of late drug-eluting stent thrombosis in bifurcation lesion. A 55-year-old man with a history of smoking, hypertension, and dyslipidemia received 2 paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) in the distal left main (ostium of left anterior descending coronary artery [LAD] and left circumflex [LCX]) with overlapping Taxus stents placed in the LAD. The patient died suddenly 2 years after stent implantation. Radiograph shows mildly calcified coronary artery. Both stents are occluded with platelet-rich thrombus (Thr) at the ostium of LAD and LCX (a). High magnification images demonstrated adherent thrombus in the region of the uncovered struts at the flow divider (b, c). Uncovered struts and adherent thrombus were also observed in all sections of the LCX stent (d, e, and g). The middle to distal portion of the LAD stent showed absence of thrombus and healed luminal surface with mild neointimal thickening (d, f, and h). (Reproduced with permission from [37].)