Research Article

Long-Term Health-Related Quality of Life of Surgically Treated Pituitary Adenoma Patients: A Descriptive Study

Figure 1

Mean 15D dimension values of Cushing syndrome patients (ACTH). The multiple statistically significant impairments in 15D dimensions are presented by an asterisk (*, ) compared to the reference population (Ref. popul.). The mean 15D score of the ACTH group was significantly lower than that of the Ref. popul. (keybox). Abbreviations used: Move: moving, See: seeing, Hear: hearing, Breath: breathing, Sleep: sleeping, Eat: eating, Elim: eliminating, Uact: usual activities, Mental: mental functioning, Disco: discomfort, Depr: depression, Distr: Distress, Vital: vitality, Sex: sexual function.