Clinical Study

Is Leukocytosis a Predictor for Recurrence of Ischemic Events after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery? A Cohort Study

Table 1

Base line characteristics of the studied population.

Total number380
Male gender281 (73.9%)
Mean age57 ± 9.4

WBC count
 ≥6000 mic/lit253 (66.6%)
 Hypertension211 (55.5%)
 Diabetes mellitus49 (12.9%)
 Smoker162 (42.6%)
 Family history113 (29.7%)
 BMI ≥ 29 kg/m2103 (27%)

 <200234 (61.6%)
 200–240 79 (20.6%)
 >24067 (17.6%)

Ejection fraction (%)
 <4084 (22.1%)
 40–50158 (41.6%)
 >50138 (36.3%)
 Left main > 50%34 (8.9%)
 LAD > 70%342 (90%)
 2VD112 (29.5%)
 3VD171 (45%)
 Cr > 1.5 mg/dL18 (0.04%)
 Off pump205 (53.9%)
 On pump175 (46.1%)
 Mean pump time45 min

WBC: White Blood Cell; BMI: Body Mass Index; 2VD: 2 Vessel Disease.