Research Article

Essential Oils of Plants as Biocides against Microorganisms Isolated from Cuban and Argentine Documentary Heritage

Table 3

Median values of the antifungal activity of seven essential oils dissolved in ethanol at 70% (v/v) against four fungal strains isolated from documents biofilms and indoor environments of archival repositories.

Essential oilsDiameter of inhibition zone (mm) at 5 daysa
(Common name)Conc. (%)Aspergillus nigerAspergillus clavatusPenicillium sp.Fusarium sp.


Clove100 20*15*20*30*
50.0 15*13*15*20*
25.0 13*12*13*18*
7.5 8*6*5*14*

50.0 15201312
25.0 12131211
12.5 11700
7.5 10500

Garlic100 40404040
50.0 40404040
25.0 40404040
12.5 40404040
7.5 40404040

Laurel100 5*8*76
50.0 0**0**00
25.0 0**0**00
7.5 0**0**00

Orange sweet100 5567
50.0 3055
25.0 0000
12.5 0000
7.5 0000

Oregano100 30*30*30*30*
50.0 20*25*20*25*
25.0 15*15*15*15*
12.5 15*15*15*15*
7.5 5*10*15*15*

Ethanol70 0000

Miconazole10 mg/mL661011

*It indicates that the oil analyzed also stop due to the fungal sporulation in the next area due to the lack of growth. **It indicates that the oil analyzed only inhibited sporulation of the fungi. aData are mean of three replications.