Research Article

System-on-Package MHMIC Milimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer for 60 GHz WPANs

Table 3

Comparison of measured results.

Reference, publication date, SoC or SoPPhase noise at 1 MHz offset, dBc/HzIntegrated phase noise (RMS jitter)a

[10] May 2008, SoC−91.65°
[11] Nov. 2010, SoC−86.58°
[12] Feb. 2008, SoC−86.858°
[13] Feb. 2008, SoP−95.65°
This work, SoP−111.52.8

a Integrated from 1 KHz to 30 MHz. Based on piece-wise linear interpolation from phase noise plots, normalized to 57.6 GHz.