Research Article

Influence of Soybean (Glycine max) Population and Herbicide Program on Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control, Soybean Yield, and Economic Return

Table 1

Planting date, soybean plant population, dates of preemergence and postemergence herbicide application, and estimated level of resistance to glyphosate at Rocky Mount during 2010 and 2011.

Soybean populationDate of herbicide application
YearFieldPlanting dateLowHighPreemergencePostemergenceResistance to glyphosatea
Plants ha−1

2010B13May 24 122,000342,000May 24June 10Yes (5%)
2010E2May 24145,000464,000May 24June 10No
2011B13June 7221,000560,000June 7June 21Yes (5%)
2011C11June 7208,000519,000June 7June 21Yes (10%)
2011E3June 7193,000533,000June 7June 21No

aResistance to glyphosate was not confirmed in these fields but has been confirmed previously at this location during 2008; percentages refer to estimated percent of Palmer amaranth population surviving glyphosate application.