Clinical Study

Selective Arterial Embolization of Liver Metastases from Gastrinomas: A Single-Centre Experience

Table 3

Response rate and blood results after embolization of treated liver lesions.

PatientComplication rateBiochemical
response at 6 months
Gastrin level
before → after embolization
Chromogranin level
before → after embolization
Radiological response
after 6 months

1No CR2300 → 504400 → 232CR
2Postembolization syndromePD*345 → 1625*NSCR
3Postembolization syndrome CR500 → 652160 → 96CR segment 7/8
PR both in segment 5

Patient 2 had progressive disease with new liver metastasis and therefore additional treatment within 6 months after embolization was required. An explicit biological response of the embolization treatment was not possible because of the increased levels of gastrin due the new lesions. No chromogranine A was determined for patient 2.