Research Article

Beneficial Regulation of Elastase Activity and Expression of Tissue Inhibitors of Matrixmetalloproteinases, Fibrillin, Transforming Growth Factor- , and Heat Shock Proteins by P. leucotomos in Nonirradiated or Ultraviolet-Radiated Epidermal Keratinocytes

Figure 2

Stimulation of fibrillin-1, fibrillin-2, and TGF- expression by P. leucotomos in epidermal keratinocytes. Nonirradiated (NI), UVA, or UVB radiated keratinocytes were exposed to PL (0, 0.01% or 0.1%) for 24 hours and examined for fibrillin-1 protein (a), fibrillin-2 protein (b), and TGF- protein (c). * , relative to respective controls (0% PL). Δ: , between nonirradiated and UV radiated cells. Error bars represent standard deviation, .