Review Article

Renal Transplantation Is Associated with Improved Clinical Outcomes in Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis

Table 1

Patients' basic characteristics.

Noncategorical variablesT1T2T3T4    

Age in years53.
Duration to treat in weeks2.83.325.65.966.813.580.49.9<0.001
Followup duration in weeks615.653.66.920.520.278.714.30.035
Dialysis duration in months49.95.549.57.431.221.744.815.80.979

Categorical variablesT1T2T3T4    

Gender (25 missing data)
Race (204 missing data)
 African American1118.313.8250000.22
Prior renal transplantation (2 missing data)
 Prior transplantation3619.82629.5111.1423.50.268
 No prior transplantation14680.26270.5888.91376.5
ESRD at diagnosis (7 missing data)16693.36979.39100171000.001

T1: patients who received no treatment other than dialysis. T2: patients who received NSF specific treatment other than renal transplantation. T3: patients who received only renal transplantation. T4: patients who received NSF specific treatment followed by renal transplantation. SE: standard error. : probability value.