Clinical Study

Usefulness of Change in Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate as a Predicting Factor of Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease

Table 1

Basic characteristics of all patients.

VariablesNo. analyzed

Age; years66.3 ± 13.3
Gender; no. of patients (%)
 Female 38 (33.6%)
 Male 75 (66.4%)
Stage; no. of patients (%)
 III 8 (7.1%)
 IV 62 (54.9%)
 V 43 (38.1%)
Underlying disease; no. of patients (%)
 Diabetic38 (33.9%)
 Non-diabetic 74 (66.1%)
Systolic blood pressure; mmHg140.6 ± 17.8113
Diastolic blood pressure; mmHg75.5 ± 13.2113
eGFR; mL/min/1.73 m218.6 ± 7.3113
Serum creatinine; mg/dL3.0 ± 1.2113
Total protein; g/dL7.0 ± 0.7110
Albumin; g/dL3.9 ± 0.5105
Urea nitrogen; mg/dL39.9 ± 12.3111
Uric acid; mg/dL7.2 ± 1.7111
Calcium; mg/dL 8.9 ± 0.7103
Inorganic phosphate; mg/dL3.9 ± 0.895
Total cholesterol; mg/dL197.9 ± 45.6101
Urinary protein; g/g·Cr3.0 ± 3.281
Hemoglobin A1c; %6.3 ± 1.457
Hemoglobin; g/dL11.0 ± 2.0110
Hematocrit; %34.0 ± 5.6110

Data are presented in means ± SD, unless stated otherwise. eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate.