Review Article

Imaging of Focal Autoimmune Pancreatitis and Differentiating It from Pancreatic Cancer

Table 2

Imaging features of focal AIP and PC.

Investigation Focal AIPPancreatic cancer

Dual phase CTDecreased enhancement in pancreatic phase, normal or delayed enhancement in hepatic phase.
Enhanced duct sign
Decreased enhancement in pancreatic phase, decreased or minimal increase in enhancement in hepatic phase.

MRISpeckled appearance within hypointense lesion.Target-like lesion with upstream dilatation of MPD.
Low diffusion coefficient on DW-MRIHigh diffusion coefficient on DW-MRI.

18FDG-PET CTDiffuse FDG uptakeFocal FDG uptake.
Uptake in salivary gland and kidney

ERP/pancreatographyLong segment narrowing of MPD > 3 cm, skip lesions, upstream dilatation of MPD < 5 mm, side branch dilatation from narrowed MPD.Complete MPD obstruction, short segment narrowing <3 cm, upstream dilatation of MPD > 5 mm.

ERC/cholangiographyLower bile duct stenosis smooth margins, gradual and symmetric narrowing, and fully visible lumen or hourglass appearance.Short segment stenosis irregular margins, complete obstruction.
Intrahepatic biliary stricture.

EUSHyperechoic spots in a hypoechoic mass and the duct-penetrating sign.Hypoechoic mass with inhomogeneous pattern. Low contrast uptake index on CHE-EUS.
Delayed enhancement in CHE-EUS.
Increased thickness of CBD with “sandwich pattern”
Peripancreatic lymphadenopathy

EUS elastographyStrain ratio <4, hue histogram value <175High strain ratio >18, hue histogram value >175.

EUS-FNA, EUS-TCBHigh stromal cellularity with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.Features of carcinoma.
High immunochemical staining with IgG4.

CT: computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; DW-MRI: diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging; MPD: main pancreatic duct; CBD: common bile duct; FDG PET: 18 fluro deoxyglucose positron emission tomography; EUS: endoscopic ultrasound; CHE-EUS: contrast harmonic echo endoscopic ultrasound; EUS-FNA: endoscopic fine needle aspiration cytology; EUS-TCB: endoscopic trucut biopsy.