Research Article

Effect of L. usitatissimum (Flaxseed/Linseed) Fixed Oil against Distinct Phases of Inflammation

Table 2

Effect of L. usitatissimum fixed oil and phenylbutazone on carrageenan-induced pleurisy (leucocytes migration) in albino rats.

Serial numberTreatmentDoseNumber of leucocytes (×103/mm3)

1Control (distilled water)3 mL/kg8854.25 ± 112.21
2L. usitatissimum fixed oil1 mL/kg6524.24 ± 302.14* (26.31)
3L. usitatissimum fixed oil2 mL/kg3954.25 ± 124.25* (55.34)
4L. usitatissimum fixed oil3 mL/kg3548.45 ± 258.26* (59.92)
5Aspirin100 mg/kg3654.88 ± 222.45* (58.72)

Values in parenthesis represent percentage inhibition (values are mean ± SEM); each group contains six animals; all groups were compared to the control by Dunnett’s test ( ).