Research Article

Relative Contributions of Surface Roughness and Crystalline Structure to the Biocompatibility of Titanium Nitride and Titanium Oxide Coatings Deposited by PVD and TPS Coatings

Table 1

Surface roughness assessment of the surfaces. = the arithmetic average of the absolute deviation from the mean line over a sampling length; = the arithmetic average of the five highest-profile peaks and the five lowest-profile valleys over the entire measurement trace. Means ± SDs are shown.

Group ( m) ± SD ( m) ± SD

P * ∣∣
C **
SC ††
KW: 89.84 KW: 93.19

Significant difference compared with Groups TiN, C, SC, and TPS (significant at 99.9%).
Significant difference compared with Groups P, SC, and TPS (significant at 99.9%).
Significant difference compared with Groups P, TiN, C, and TPS (significant at 99.9%).
Significant difference compared with Groups P, TiN, C, and SC (significant at 99.9%).
∣∣Significant difference compared with Groups C (significant at 95%), SC, and TPS (significant at 99.9%).
Significant difference compared with Groups SC and TPS (significant at 99.9%).
**Significant difference compared with Groups P (significant at 95%), SC, and TPS (significant at 99.9%).
††Significant difference compared with Groups P, TiN, C, and TPS (significant at 99.9%).