Research Article

Consultations between Immigrant Patients, Their Interpreters, and Their General Practitioners: Are They Real Meetings or Just Encounters? A Qualitative Study in Primary Health Care

Table 3

Participants’ different perspectives concerning the themes.


The interpretation process
 Means of interpreting(i) Establish trust
(ii) Translate and convey everything
(i) Translate every word precisely
(ii) Neutrality
(iii) Not disrupt
(iv) Know the technique
(i) Different techniques
(ii) Just a voice in the room
(iii) Language machines
(iv) Empathy
 Means of informing(i) Adjust info to culture and level of knowledge
(ii) Everyday language
(i) Tell a little
(ii) Adapt to knowledge
(iii) Written info
(i) Adjust your way of communication

The meeting itself
 Individual tailored
(i) Kind response
(ii) Polite and respectful treatment
(iii) “Care for me”
(i) Individual approach
(ii) Patience
(iii) Respect
(iv) Patient’s needs and wishes
(v) Medical authority
(i) Mutual understanding
(ii) Individuality
(iii) Main reason
(iv) Listen
(v) Professionalism
(vi) Respect
(vii) Autonomy
(viii) No prejudices
 Consultation time(i) Tell everything
(ii) Proper examination
(iii) Ask questions
(i) Never sufficient
(ii) Frustration
(iii) Present his story
(iv) Imagination
(v) Undivided presence
(i) Need of longer time
(ii) Adjust info
(iii) Find out what it is all about
 The patient’s feelings(i) Frustration not
 understanding everything
(i) Stress
(ii) Uncertainty
(iii) “Must give space”
(i) “Talking past each other”
(ii) “Feels offended”  
(iii) Expect professional IP without judgement
 The role of family members(i) Give security
(ii) Support
(iii) Interpret
(i) Interfere
(ii) Incorrect interpretation
(iii) Incomplete info
(iv) Cause dilemmas
(i) Not to divulge confidential info
(ii) Create confidence