Review Article

The Intrauterine Device in Women with Diabetes Mellitus Type I and II: A Systematic Review

Table 2

Laboratory values in diabetic women using the IUD.

Type of diabetesReferenceSubjects ( )IUD typeMean initial and concluding values (12 months)Comments
HbA1c (%)IR (U)FBG

DM1Grigoryan et al. [30]11TCu380A7.8-7.8 64.5-64.6Perimenopausal subjects, no lipid or coagulability changes versus COC; TCu380A was control
Grigoryan et al. [30]11LNG-IUS7.6-7.7
Diab and Zaki [31]15Tcu380A 109–99No lipid or coagulability changes versus Norplant, COC and DMPA; TCu380A was control
Rogovskaya et al. [32]29LNG-IUS5.6–6.335.2-35.15.2–7.4oNo changes in HbA1c and FBG for both IUDs. The TCu380A acted as control. There were no pregnancies.
Rogovskaya et al. [32]30TCu380A5.5–6.337.3–37.15.0–7.5o

DM2Grigoryan et al. [30]11TCu380A7.5-7.4 Four perimenopausal DM2 on insulin. No laboratory changes as for DM1
Grigoryan et al. [30]11LNG-IUS7.4–7.6
Diab and Zaki [31]5TCu380A109–99

HbA1c: glycosalated haemoglobin; FBG: fasting blood glucose; IR (U): insulin requirement (international units); COC: combined oral contraceptive; DMPA: depomedroxyprogesterone acetate; mg/dL; ommol/L; pooled values TCu380A and LNG-IUS; Initial value for DM1 and DM2 (16 subjects).