Research Article

Identification of Cognitive Distraction Using Physiological Features for Adaptive Driving Safety Supporting System

Table 3

Enhancement of performance by adding another feature to visual information.

Selected features Learning method Cognitive load Average accuracy value

Gaze + head + pupilSVM Conversation 89.4 89.9
Arithmetic 85.6 86.7
AdaBoost Conversation 89.4 90.6
Arithmetic 89.8 87.7

Gaze + head + RRISVM Conversation 90.1 90.2
Arithmetic 88.1 87.9
AdaBoost Conversation 88.3 90.0
Arithmetic 89.3 90.3

Gaze + head + pupil + RRISVM Conversation 92.4 92.2
Arithmetic 91.8 92.0
AdaBoost Conversation 91.0 92.3
Arithmetic 92.093.1