Clinical Study

Anatomical Variations in the Branching Pattern of Human Aortic Arch: A Cadaveric Study from Central India

Table 2

Incidence of two aortic arch branches in different populations.

Author’s namePopulation Percentage of aortic arch with two branches (CT and LSA)

Nelson and Sparks (2001) [4]Japanese1931.0
Satyapal et al. (2003) [5]South African3203.4
Moskowitz and Topaz (2003) [9]American14803.2
Makhanya et al. (2004) [10]South African6028.3
Natsis et al. (2009) [7]Greek63315.0
Ogeng’o et al. (2010) [8]Kenyan11325.7
Bhattarai and Poudel (2010) [11]Nepalese8512.9
Current study (2013)Indian 5219.2