Review Article

VGLUTs in Peripheral Neurons and the Spinal Cord: Time for a Review

Figure 4

Distribution of VGLUT-containing peripheral nerve fibers in the mouse skin. Immunofluorescence photomicrographs of sections of the glabrous ((a), (c)) and hairy skin ((b), (d)) incubated with VGLUT1 ((a), (b)) or VGLUT2 ((c), (d)) antibodies. ((a), (b)) VGLUT1-IR nerve fibers are discretely observed in the glabrous (double arrowheads in (a), showing nerve fibers in close proximity to the epidermis) and the hairy skin (black double arrowheads in (b), showing the follicular neural network; white double arrowheads showing fibers lying in the basal membrane of the epidermis). ((c), (d)) Abundant VGLUT2-IR nerve fibers are detected in the glabrous (arrowheads in (c), showing nerve endings penetrating the epidermis) and the hairy skin (black double arrowheads in (d), showing the follicular neural network; white double arrowheads, showing nerve endings in the dermis and epidermis). Scale bars: 50 μm ((c) = (a); (b); (d)). Figures (b) and (d) are reproduced in part, and with permission, from [54].