Research Article

The Culture-Transmission Motive in Minorities: An Online Survey of Adolescents and Young Adults with an Immigrant Background in Germany

Table 1

Direct measurement of the culture-transmission motive.

The Russian [Turkish] culture of my family has no importance for me.
(0 = absolutely true, 7 = not true at all; reversed item)

I reject the Russian [Turkish] culture of my family.
(0 = absolutely true, 7 = not true at all; reversed item)

How important to you are the values and norms of the Russian [Turkish] culture—its ideas about the right way to live, its beliefs about what is proper and what not?
(0 = not important at all, 7 = very important)

Do you wish that the Russian [Turkish] culture is kept alive in the generation of your (present or future) children?
(0 = I do not care at all, 7 = I wish this very much)

It would not be important for me to maintain the Russian [Turkish]
culture of my family and pass it on to my children.
(0 = do not agree at all, 7 = agree completely; reversed item)

Would it be important for you to maintain the Russian [Turkish] culture of your family and pass it on to your children?
(0 = not important at all, 7 = very important)

Item was excluded from the scale.
Internal consistency of the scale CTM-Desire (Cronbach’s ) = .84.