Clinical Study

Factors Predicting Total Free Flap Loss after Microsurgical Reconstruction Following the Radical Ablation of Head and Neck Cancers

Figure 1

(a) Flap survival case. MRI showed that the squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity had destroyed the scull base and maxillary bone and invaded brain, orbital cavity, and maxillary sinus. (b) Flap survival case. Intraoperative view of case 1. The tumor in the ethmoidal and maxillary sinus, orbital cavity, and intracranial space was exposed though a defect of the orbital roof after orbitotomy and resected. (c) Flap survival case. Scull base closure and facial reconstruction were performed using free rectus abdominal musculocutaneous flap. (d) Flap survival case. The picture shows a favorable appearance 1 year after the surgery.