Research Article

Epidemiology and Virulence Determinants including Biofilm Profile of Candida Infections in an ICU in a Tertiary Hospital in India

Table 3

The in vitro antifungal susceptibilities of Candida isolates to fluconazole and amphotericin  B.

(no. of isolates)
Antifungal drug susceptibility pattern
FluconazoleAmphotericin B
Sa (≤8  g/mL)
no. (%)
SDDb (16–32  g/mL)
no. (%)
Rc (≥64  g/mL)
no. (%)
Sa  (≤1  g/mL)
no. (%)
Rc (≥1  g/mL)
no. (%)

C.  albicans (40)10 (25%)3 (7.5%)27 (67.5%)38 (95%)2 (5%)
C.  tropicalis (42)15 (35.7%)3 (7.1%)24 (57.2%)40 (95.2%)2 (4.8%)
C.  glabrata (11)6 (54.5%)05 (45.5%)10 (90.9%)1 (9.1%)
C.  sphaerica (02)1 (50%)01 (50%)2 (100%)0
C.  parapsilosis (04)2 (50%)02 (50%)4 (100%)0
C.  kefyr (02)2 (100%)002 (100%)0
C.  krusei (02)01 (50%)1 (50%)02 (100%)

Sa: susceptible range.
SDDb: susceptible dose-dependent range.
Rc: resistant range.