Clinical Study

Quality of Life in Patients with Focal Hyperhidrosis before and after Treatment with Botulinum Toxin A

Table 2

Comparison of DLQI and the severity of hyperhidrosis across sex, before and after treatment with BTX-A.

MaleFemale value

Total score of DLQI before treatment with BTX-A (median (25th–75th percentiles))*18.8 (17.7, 19.9)21 (19.9, 22.1)0.015
Total score of DLQI after treatment with BTX-A (mean (95% CI))*3.2 (2.9, 3.6)3.1 (2.7, 3.5)0.489
The severity of hyperhidrosis before treatment with BTX-A ( (%))*
 11 (1.9%)0.001
 29 (17.3%)2 (3%)
 317 (32.7%)14 (20.9%)
 425 (48.1%)51 (76.1%)
The severity of hyperhidrosis after treatment with BTX-A ( (%))*
 138 (73.1%)39 (58.2%)0.079
 214 (26.9%)26 (38.3%)
 32 (3%)

Mann-Whitney test.