Research Article

Minimally Invasive Minor Salivary Gland Biopsy for the Diagnosis of Amyloidosis in a Rheumatology Clinic

Table 1

Demographic and disease characteristics of patients.


Age, mean (SD)45.4 (14.9)

Gender21 female, 14 male

Main indication
(i) Proteinuria 27
(ii) Impaired renal function 3
(iii) Refractory diarrhea 2
(iv) Cardiomyopathy 2
(v) Neuropathy1

Underlying disorder
(i) Familial Mediterranean fever 16
(ii) Rheumatoid arthritis 4
(iii) Ankylosing spondylitis 5
(iv) Collagenous tissue disorders 3
(v) Other7

Other: Sjogren’s syndrome 2, juvenile chronic arthritis 2, POEMS syndrome 1, rheumatic manifestation of plasma cell disorder 1, or enteropathic arthritis 1.