Research Article

Identification of Unique miRNA Biomarkers in Colorectal Adenoma and Carcinoma Using Microarray: Evaluation of Their Putative Role in Disease Progression

Figure 2

(a) Zinc-finger BED domain-containing 3 (ZBED3) and the solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter family) and meMBer 3 (SLC10A3) genes that were regulated by the 10 common miRNAs showed differential expression patterns between adenoma and carcinoma, respectively. (b) Similarly, FOXQ1 gene expression was 10-fold higher in colon carcinoma when compared to the adenoma of the colon. (c) The upregulation of miR-224 and miR-96 in colon adenoma could cause the downregulation of both ZBED3 and SLC10A3. (d) Though both miRNAs were upregulated in colon carcinoma, the expression of ZBED3 and SLC10A3 was not influenced by these miRNAs.