Research Article

Oral Hygiene Status, Periodontal Status, and Periodontal Treatment Needs among Institutionalized Intellectually Disabled Subjects in Kolhapur District, Maharashtra, India

Table 3

Revealing mean OHI-S, periodontal status, and periodontal treatment needs scores among the different degrees of ID.

Degree of IDOHI-S
Mean (SD)
Periodontal status (CPI)
Mean (SD)
Periodontal treatment needs
Mean (SD)

Mild1382.34 (1.04)2.12 (0.67)1.91 (0.42)
Moderate2283.00 (1.11)2.52 (0.87)2.07 (0.50)
Severe1593.77 (0.9)2.69 (0.84)2.18 (0.47)
Profound514.47 (1.04)2.84 (0.78)2.25 (0.44)

ANOVA = 75.932,
< 0.0001
= 16.231,
< 0.0001
= 10.385,
<  0.0001