Clinical Study

Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 Negative Modulation in Phase I Clinical Trial: Potential Impact of Circadian Rhythm on the Neuropsychiatric Adverse Reactions—Do Hallucinations Matter?

Table 1

Descriptive statistics, Day 1 and Day 7 concentrations (ng/mL), 2 h/4 h after dose.

Day, time pointDay partMean (SD)MedianMin–max

1, 2 h after doseMorning422.4 (184.2)382.5 212–881
1, 2 h after doseEvening190.8 (171.9)108.940.0–697
7, 2 h after doseMorning344.7 (146.9)330.5145–693
7, 2 h after doseEvening215.3 (126.4)218.051.3–402
7, 4 h after doseEvening274.9 (97.3)285.5201–448