Research Article

Diversity, Uses, and Threats in the Ghodaghodi Lake Complex, a Ramsar Site in Western Lowland Nepal

Table 7

Reptiles directly observed in the Ghodaghodi Lake complex.

Scientific nameFamilyCommon name

Crocodylus palustris (VU, I )CrocodylidaeMarsh mugger
Python molurus (NT, I)Pythonidae Python
Kachuga tecta (LC)Geoemydidae Indian roofed turtle
Kachuga kachuga (CR)GeoemydidaeRed crowned roofed turtle
Lissemys punctata (LC)Trionychidae Flap shell turtle
Varanus flavescens (LC, I)Varanidae Golden monitor lizard

V: vulnerable, CR: critically endangered, NT: near threatened, LC: least concern (IUCN Red List Category) (source: IUCN [73]); I: CITES category.