Research Article

Influence of Adult Knee Height, Age at First Birth, Migration, and Current Age on Adult Physical Function of Bangladeshi Mothers and Daughters in the United Kingdom and Bangladesh

Table 3

Means (+/āˆ’ sd) for height, sitting height, and knee height (all measured as cm) of daughters born and living in Bangladesh (BD-BD, n = 22), UK living daughters born in Bangladesh (UK-BD, n = 17), or in the UK (UK-UK, n = 20). The three groups of daughters were compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each size variable. F and P values from the ANOVA are given in the table. For the significant ANOVA results, post hoc comparisons are given below the table.


Height152.7 (6.0)154.8 (5.0)151.0 (6.2) 2.86NS
Sitting height78.2 (3.0) 81.7 (2.4) 80.9 (2.3)10.7<0.00
Knee height48.2 (2.3) 47.6 (1.9) 45.6 (2.7) 6.81<0.00

Significant post hoc contrasts.
Sitting height: UK-UK > BD-BD P < 0.00; UK-BD > BD-BD P < 0.00.
Knee height: UK-UK > UK-BD P = 0.01; BD-BD > UK-BD > P < 0.00.