Clinical Study

Refractory Status Epilepticus: Experience in a Neurological Intensive Care Unit

Table 7

Outcome of RSE according to level of consciousness.

OutcomeComaNoncoma value

Treatment days5 (4–8)5 (3.5–6)0.057
Mechanical ventilation days12 (8–18)8 (4.7–13)0.03
Tracheostomy40 (78.4)8 (27.6)<0.0001
Gastrostomy15 (29.4)3 (10.3)0.05
Infectious complications (VAP, UTI, BSI)21 (41.2)13 (44.8) 0.75
Vasopressor use24 (47.1)9 (31)0.16
NeuroICU days14 (10–22)8 (3–12.5)<0.0001
RSE Control45 (88.2)25 (86.2)0.52
In-hospital mortality16 (31.4)2 (6.9)0.012
Unfavorable mRs at 1 month40 (78.8)10 (34.5)<0.0001

Data are number (%), mean (SD), or median (IQR).
VAP: ventilator associated pneumonia, UTI: urinary tract infection; BSI: blood stream infection; NeuroICU: neurological intensive care unit; RSE: refractory status epilepticus; mRs: modified Rankin scale.