Research Article

Comparative Analysis of Selected Physicochemical Properties of Pozzolan Portland and MTA-Based Cements

Table 2

Mean, standard deviation, and statistic comparison of physicochemical properties for each tested material.

Power (%)Tested materials
Pozzolan PC MTA BIOProRoot MTA

Solubility (%)890.52 ± 0.8a0.06 ± 0.04b0.05 ± 0.03b
pH5711.44 ± 0.59a11.53 ± 0.64a11.42 ± 0.57a
Electrical conductivity
391472.69 ± 651.49a1291.8 ± 778.51a987.59 ± 521.94a
Radiopacity (mm Al)98109.40 ± 3.50a165.80 ± 3.27b177.40 ± 7.30c

The same superscript letters represent no statistically significant difference (P < 0.05).