Research Article

Evidence for Central Asian Origin of the p.Val27Ile Variant in the GJB2 Gene

Table 3

GJB2 genotype by degree of hearing impairment in the better ear in 125 Mexican mestizo patients with nonsyndromic hearing impairment.

GenotypeDegree of hearing impairment (%)Total by genotype

p.Val27Ile/wild type2 (6.9)8 (27.5)6 (20.6)13 (45)29 (100)
p.Val27Ile/p.Val27Ileā€‰2 (50)1 (25)1 (25)4 (100)
Mutationa/wild typeā€‰2 (15)2 (15)9 (70)13 (100)
Wild type/wild type5 (6.3)22 (28)23 (29)29 (37)79 (100)

Total by degree7 (5.6)34 (27.2)32 (25.6)52 (41.6)125 (100)
