Research Article

Protocol for Quantification of Defects in Natural Fibres for Composites

Algorithm 1

Seeded region growing method for fibre area.
      Seed =                    The start seeding point
(2)    =            The starting mean, equal to seed point intensity
       = 1                 Size of the initial region to be grown
(4)   while   <   do
      for   =   do         If the neighbourhood used is four neighbourhood
(6)       = + neighbor position
         = + neighbor position
(8)      if   not already flagged then
           Add pixel to SSL Add pixel coordinates and intensity value to the SSL
(10)       flag pixel
        end if
(12)   end for
       Add Add the SSL-pixel closest to region mean to growing region
(14)   Add the
        = Added pixel          Update -coordinate for next loop
(16)    = Added pixel          Update -coordinate for next loop
               Updating mean value of region
(18)    = + 1               Updating region size
       remove added pixel from SSL
(20) end while