Research Article

Relation of Reported Sedation and Ventilator Weaning Practices to Ventilator Time in Norwegian Intensive Care Units

Table 2

Reported use of sedation guidelines, weaning protocols, and sedation interruption in Norwegian ICUs.

“Rarely”“Sometimes”“Often”“As a rule”

How often are the sedation guidelines used? ()15% (2)23% (3)31% (4)31% (4)
How often are the weaning protocols used? ()28% (5)33% (6)33% (6)6% (1)
Can the nurses adjust the sedation without consulting a physician ()0% (0)15% (5)49% (16)36% (12)
Can the nurses adjust the sedation without consulting a physician during weaning ()3% (1)21% (7)46% (15)30% (10)
Use of daily sedation interruption ()33% (11)33% (11)25% (8)9% (3)

units, including those reporting no guidelines or protocols, answered this question.