Research Article

Isochromosome 17q in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Table 3

Summary of iFISH results using SMS and RARA gene specific probes and subtelomeric probes for chromosome 17 in 8 CLL cases with TP53 deletion in CLL cases only studied by iFISH and not by MLPA.

Case numberiFISH %]iFISH %]iFISH %]
TP53Subtel. pterSubtel. qterSMSRARA

86d 77]d 77]a 77]d 77]a 77]
87d 77]d 77]a 77]d 77]a 77]
88d 80]d 80]a 80]d 80]a 80]
89d 69]
90d 28]
91d 75]
92d 89]
93d 95.5]
94 to

n = no aberration, d = deletion, a = amplification, n.a. = not tested, and = percentage of cells with aberration.