Research Article

Short-Term Dynamics Reveals Seasonality in a Subtropical Heliconius Butterfly

Table 1

Model selection results for apparent survival probability (φ), recapture probability (), and the finite growth rate (). AICc = Akaike’s information criteria with small sample size correction, ΔAICc = difference between top model and the current model, = AICc weights, k = number of parameters, deviance = difference of the current model and the saturated model. For covariate notation, see text.


(sex) (effort) (sex + ) 2324.960.000.17432229.60
(sex) (temp) (sex + ) 2325.110.150.16432229.74
(sex) (sex) (sex + ) 2325.680.710.12432230.31
(⋅) (sex) (sex + ) 2326.721.750.07422233.80
(⋅) (effort) (sex + ) 2326.911.950.06422233.99
(sex) (effort) () 2327.072.100.06422234.15
(sex) (temp) () 2326.152.190.06422234.23
(⋅) (effort) () 2326.202.230.06412236.71
(⋅) (temp) (sex + ) 2327.512.550.05422234.59
(⋅) (sex) ()2327.522.560.05412237.04
(⋅) (temp) () 2327.692.730.04412233.21
(sex) (sex) () 2327.922.960.04422225.00
(sex) (sex + temp + effort) (sex + ) 2329.564.590.02452229.26
(⋅) (sex + temp + effort) (sex + ) 2330.165.190.01442232.33
(⋅) (sex + temp + effort) () 2330.805.830.01432235.43
(sex) (sex + temp + effort) () 2331.736.760.01442233.90