Clinical Study

Effects of Mobility-Enhancing Nursing Intervention in Patients with MS and Stroke: Randomised Controlled Trial

Table 1

Baseline characteristics and medical data.

Intervention group (IG) Control group (CG) value

Age in years 61.8 (14.5)62.9 (12.7)0.625
Female 32 (45.7%)36 (52.9%)0.499
 SHT 2 (2.9%)3 (4.3%)
 CVI 41 (58.6%)35 (50%)
 MS 27 (45.8%)32 (54.2%)
EBI score 40.7 (9.6)42.4 (11.7)0.349
 EBI stroke 36.4 (6.6)36.3 (8.6)0.943
 EBI MS 47.3 (9.9)49 (11.7)0.570
WHOQoL global 49.6 (25.4)56.2 (24.1)0.124
Fall-related efficacy 12.7 (4.8)13.5 (5.1)0.366
Self-Care Index (SPI)28.5 (6.4)30.0 (6.8)0.094
Length of stay 39 (24.1)34.3 (18.58)0.192
Discharge destination 0.908
 Home 58 (84.1%)58 (82.9%)
 Institution 9 (13%)9 (12.9%)
 Hospital 2 (2.9%)3 (4.3%)

Data are mean (SD) or (%), unless otherwise stated.