Research Article

Supporting Technical Debt Cataloging with TD-Tracker Tool

Table 1

Technical debt template, adapted from [4].

ID TD identification number

Date Date of TD identification

Responsible Person or role who should fix this TD item

Type Design, documentation, defect, testing, or other type of debt

Project Name of project or software application

Location List of files/classes/methods or documents/pages involved

Description Describes the anomaly and possible impacts on future maintenance

Estimated principal How much work is required to pay off this TD item on a three-point scale: High/Medium/Low

Estimated interest amount How much extra work will need to be performed in the future if this TD item is not paid off now on a three-point scale: High/Medium/Low

Estimated interest probability How likely is it that this item, if not paid off, will cause extra work to be necessary in the future on a three-point scale: High/Medium/Low

Intentional Yes/No/Don't Know

Fixed by Person or role who really fix this TD item

Fixed date Date of TD conclusion

Realized principal How much work was required to pay off this TD item on a three-point scale: High/Medium/Low

Realized interest amount How much extra work was needed to be performed if this TD item was not paid off at moment of detection, on a three-point scale: High/Medium/Low