Research Article

Nexus between Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining and Livelihood in Prestea Mining Region, Ghana

Table 3

Results of bivariate analysis of ASM’s employment issues and place of residence of respondents.

VariableCategoryPlace of residence of respondents value
(%) (%) (%) (%)

Has ASM created employment opportunities?Strongly agree13 (54.2%)18 (69.2%)16 (55.2%)47 (59.5%) 0.068
Agree9 (37.5%)4 (15.4%)13 (44.8%)26 (32.9%)
Disagree2 (8.3%)4 (15.4%)0 (0%)6 (7.6%)
Total24 (100%)26 (100%)29 (100%)79 (100%)

What category of people are involved in ASM activities?Men 3 (13.6%) 2 (9.1%)7 (24.1%)12 (16.4%)0.325
Women0 (0%) 1 (4.5%)0 (0%)1 (1.4%)
Children0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Men and women13 (59.1%)12 (54.5%)9 (31.1%)34 (46.6%)
Women and children3 (13.6%)2 (9.1%)3 (10.3%)8 (11.0%)
Men, women, and children3 (13.6%)5 (22.7%)10 (34.5%)18 (24.6%)
Total22 (100%)22 (100%)29 (100%)73 (100%)1

What type of job opportunities has ASM created?Mining activities (gold extracting and processing)11 (50.0%)6 (27.3%)16 (55.2%)33 (45.2%)0.046
Food and water vending2 (9.1%)8 (36.4%)4 (13.8%)14 (19.2%)
Gold dealing and drivers2 (9.1%)6 (27.3%)6 (20.7%)14 (19.2%)
Head porters5 (22.7%)2 (9.1%)3 (10.3%)10 (13.7%)
Others 2 (9.1%)0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (2.7%)
Total22 (100%)22 (100%)29 (100%)73 (100%)

Do people benefit from the ASM employment opportunities?Yes20 (90.9%)20 (90.9%)24 (82.8%)64 (87.7)0.584
No2 (9.1%)2 (9.1%)5 (17.2%)9 (12.3%)
Total22 (100%)22 (100%)29 (100%)73 (100%)

If yes, how?Reducing economic hardships6 (27.3%)6 (27.3%)12 (41.4%)24 (32.9%)0.005
Reducing poverty1 (4.5%)10 (45.5%)10 (34.5%)21 (28.8%)
Income generation15 (68.2%)5 (22.7%)7 (24.1%)27 (37.0%)
Other0 (0%)1 (4.5%)0 (0%)1 (1.3%)
Total22 (100%)22 (100%)29 (100%)73 (100%)

Contribution of ASM to livelihood enhancementIncome generations and increased well-being16 (72.7%)9 (40.9%)12 (41.4%)37 (50.7%)0.171
Reduced vulnerability3 (13.6%)8 (36.4%)11 (37.9%)22 (30.1%)
Empowerment3 (13.6%)5 (22.7%)6 (20.7%)14 (19.2%)
Total22 (100%)22 (100%)29 (100%)73 (100%)

73 apply to those who only agreed ASM generated employment opportunities out of the total 79. The item validity for the variables answered by 73 study respondents is 92.4% (73).
The Chi-square statistic is significant at the 0.05 level.