Research Article

New Insights into the Effects of Several Environmental Parameters on the Relative Fitness of a Numerically Dominant Class of Evolved Niche Specialist

Figure 6

WS biofilm characteristics differed slightly between concave- and convex-shaped A-L interfaces. Microcosms with concave- (normal) and convex-shaped A-L interfaces were used to assess WS biofilm characteristics. microcosms were incubated for 1, 2, or 3 days before assay. Relative measurements are shown for microcosm growth ((a), ), WS biofilm strength ((b), ), and attachment levels ((c), ) where the 3-day-old concave reference microcosms have a value of one (marked by the horizontal dashed line); the curves indicated are illustrative only. Means ± SE are shown () and means not linked by the same letter are significantly different (TK-HSD, ).
(a) Growth
(b) Strength
(c) Attachment