Research Article

WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: Impact of Type of Clothing Worn during Anthropometric Measurements and Timing of the Survey on Weight and Body Mass Index Outcome Measures in 6–9-Year-Old Children

Figure 4

Mean BMI-for-age Z-score values in children aged 6–9 years by monthly period in five countries in COSI round 2. ANOVA: analysis of variance; BMI: body mass index; BMI/A: BMI-for-age; COSI: Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative; WHO: World Health Organization. Notes. Body weight was adjusted for the clothes worn: country-specific clothes adjustment weights by Lithuania; average non-country-specific adjustment weights by Belgium, the Czech Republic, Greece, and Spain. Only children whose age fell within the country-specific targeted age group(s) (see Table 1) and those with a BMI/A Z-score value between –5 and +5 relative to the WHO growth reference median [13] were included. By targeted age group, monthly BMI/A Z-score values were computed for the months that included at least 5% of the total group of children in a country-specific dataset. °Statistically significant difference of mean value across monthly periods for the indicated age group (two-way ANOVA without interaction term; ). °°Statistically significant difference of mean value across monthly periods for the indicated age group (two-way ANOVA without interaction term; ). °°°Statistically significant difference of mean value across monthly periods for the indicated age group (two-way ANOVA without interaction term; ).